Wednesday, September 20, 2006

moving out!

yes! i am officially MOVING OUT! yes... for those who don't know... i have 2 dodgy housemates... so much to my parent's attention; they got so worried and therefore flew down to sydney to address the issue.

to cut the long story short; i'm still staying in the village but am staying in another unit down the road... so its no longer unit 68; but unit 77. i would be living with 4 asian gurls... to brush up my mandarin skills.... kakaka...

on a brighter note, im gonna get a car next year! yay!

alrighty then, gotta crack on em' assignments and start speed packing...

catcha later gators!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

my busy life...

a very productive semester....

so, everyone assumes that my course is easy and relaxing... well, if that's what you think, you are absolutely WRONG!

why.. well, for this semester i have not stop... not a break taken since my eventful holiday, then the 2 week volunter prac and my illness that took a while for me to recuperate... anyway.. and then semester started...

... yes, so far i have completed 2 Prac assignments weighing 40%, 1 Math assignment worth 30%.

...i still have to study for a Quiz worth 30% tomorrow, 1 Science assignment worth 30%, another IQ & Intelligence major assignment worth 40% and my 2 week Prac and 5 day Observation Task worth 50%...

... on a brighter note, my parents are down in syd on saturday night! woohoo! they are so concern about my housemates that their gonna come down to see if i'm alright.... haha.. so am gonna stay with them in the city on the weekend...

.... i forgot, these friday is conception day... arghhhh... these means everyone's gonna get so drunk and act crazily and immature! thank goodness i won't be at home... yes, Praise God for wonderful friends who are willing to house you in...

... yes, i am going to visit my friend's connect group tomorrow (my housemates wants me to join them but i told them i can't! yes, perfect excuse!) then stay overnight at my friends' house; then on friday am gonna study and attend powerhouse at night... come home on saturday morning at around 10 ish... leave for a GIS reunion at around 10.30... then come home in the arvo. teach sunday school thr next morning... come home and pack.. meet parents in the city for dinnner and stay over till monday.. depending..

...yes we have a 2 week semester break.. arent you jealous!! hahaha... but not for me...

so here's my schedule:

thursday - quiz 30%
(class finish at 5pm, scram to macq centre; come home- shower and pack; head to connect)

friday- stay at home and finish Science and IQ assg due 13th and 20th october worth 30% and 40% at friend's house

saturday - come home and shower then head to the city for school reunion

sunday - teach at sunday school, come home, pack and head to the city to meet up with parents

things to do during the mid term break:

week starting 17th sept: in the city chilling with parents and rushing with IQ and Science assg

21st sept: meeting with student advisor about my practicum

25th -29th sept: 5 day observation at long day child care centre.. its 8 hours

2nd oct - 13th oct: Prac commences....

13th oct: Science assg due (30%)

20th oct: IQ & Intelligence assg due (40%)

23rd oct: Prac oral presentation 30%

15th nov: ECH 228 final exam 30%

23rd nov: ECH 215 final exam (40%)

yup.. this explains my current life... busy busy busy...
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