Thursday, November 30, 2006

Back in KL

Hey to all my loyal readers....

I am back in KL... (for a longer period this time for sure)... at the moment i have no plans so am free to meet up with you all. So if u wannna meet up, just leave a note on this blog and ill contact ya or something... coool :) brushing up on my driving this trip before i return to Sydney...

... yup, so buzz me if ur on hols and you wanna meet up... i'll love to catch up with y'all.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Hillsong United Burger Boy

thanks kristofer!!

hey guys and gurls!

check out this video. it would leave ya in stitches!! apparently this video was taking in america (on their last tour).

(kris)someone said he'd get us$100 if he had another burger. and joel was willing to pay another 100 if he ate it in less than a minute

...couz committee: perhaps we could try this out at home... any volunteers??

see ya home soon!

- phing

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


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